Navigate to the Appearance Tab in our C8ke Page Editor.
To do this:
1) Using the C8ke App
Log into the C8ke App and click on the "Me" in bottom toolbar
Under the C8ke Page section, click on "Settings"
2) Using Desktop
Login into your account through
Appearance Tab
Click on the "Appearance" tab
Here you can change the:
a) Background / Cover
You can set your background to none, an image of your choice or a color gradient.
You can also make the background brighter or darker and add Blur.
b) Overlay
Here you can add an overlay color. Either to your entire page or just to the top section.
Select your desired color then slide the "bar" to enable
c) Block Color
Here you can edit the color of your content blocks that appear on your C8ke page (for example the quick links, search bar, bio etc blocks.)
To save all changes made, make sure you click the "save" button at the top right of your screen!